Child Development and Pedagogy – Quiz 99

Here is a Child Development Quiz 99 for upcoming CTET exams. This Quiz is very helpful for all candidates who are preparing for CTET exam, as well as for B.Ed Entrance Exam.This quiz also helpful for Teaching Entrance Test for all State TET  Exams. We are sharing important Questions which are based on CTET Exam with latest exam pattern. If you daily practice Child Development Quiz we ensure that you can score good marks in your exam.

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Name:  Child Development Quiz 99

Subject: Child Development and pedagogy

Language: English

Questions: 10 Objective Type Questions

Time Allowed: 06 Minutes

Helpful for:  B.Ed Entrance, UGC NET, Teaching aptitude, CTET, State TET Exam, Reet, UPTET, Teaching Aptitude Quiz for all Teaching Entrance Test.

Q1.The first intelligence test was developed by:

  1. Binet and Simon
  2. Terman
  3. Wascholor
  4. Galton

Ans: 1

Q2. Three factors which affect learning are

  1.  Physiological, environmental and psychological motivation
  2. Cultural, environmental and Social motivation
  3. Social, economical and cultural motivation
  4. Economic, Physiological and environmental motivation


Q3. The teacher takes attendance by calling roll number in class

  1. It is the best way because it takes less time.
  2. It is a common way because it happens in all school.
  3. It is not a good method because a teacher can not make direct contact with the students.
  4. It is not a good method because sometimes to Student speak at the same time.

Ans: 3

Q4. The main principles of Basic Education is –

  1. Learning through reading
  2. Learning through books
  3. Learning through activity
  4. Learning through teaching

Ans: 3

Q5.To make the teaching more interesting the teacher should

  1. use blackboard
  2. Give example from daily life
  3. use teaching aids
  4. give them an opportunity to discuss
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Ans: 4

Q6. School are social institutions because they –

  1.  Preserved and instill in future generations the knowledge, ideas, and customs of our culture
  2. Suggest solution to social problems
  3. Suggest ways and means of social progress.
  4. Are established by the society

Ans: 1

Q7. Kohlberg’s moral development stage are closely related to

  1. Freud’s psychosexual stage
  2. Piaget’s Cognitive development stages
  3. Erikson’s psychological stages
  4. Sollivan’s interpersonal stages

Ans: 2

Q8. Which of the following is the fundamental right of citizens in India?

  1. Elementary Education
  2. Nursery Education
  3. Secondary Education
  4. Vocational Education

Ans: 1

Q9. Behavioral changes which occur on the basis of physiological development rather than learning and which appears in virtually all members of the species are the result of

  1.  Fermentation
  2. Rationalization
  3. Socialization
  4. Maturation

Ans: 4

Q10. When teaching a child who is mentally retarded, a teacher should do which of the following ?

  1.  Repeat direction many times
  2. Provide abstract example
  3. Set lower expectations
  4. Give instructions only once to improve the child’s focus

Ans: 1

महत्वपूर्ण लेख जरूर पढ़ें: राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 1986 के अनुसार शिक्षा के उद्देश्य एवं लक्ष्य क्या है?

यह भी पढ़ें

See also  CTET Study Materials Important Quiz -97

1 thought on “Child Development and Pedagogy – Quiz 99”

  1. Rohan bro,
    I am going to appear OSSTET 2017 in Odisha
    Plz give me soft copy of Pedagogy, child development, school management & Evaluation, that you have…..
    Waiting your reply…..


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