Exam Date Declared-By DSSSB Board: Notification No F.55(1359)


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Exam Date Declared: By DSSSB Board

          vide Notification No F.55(1359)DSSSB/EXAM/2017/1706  Dated: 05/06/2018 

It is a great Pleasure to inform you that the Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board has notified the date of Examination for various post-code of PGT’S on the basis of Education Department GNCTD advertised vide No: 04/17 date 20-12-2017.

The Examination will be conducted in two shift from 2-07-2018 to 7-07-2018 for various posts of PGT’S.

The last 10 years DSSSB question papers and Mock Test is readily available on our website [ www.allgovtjobsindia.in]  which will help you to crack the DSSSB Teaching Examination.

The online mode i.e computer Based Test will be conducted as par examination schedule given here-under.

For more Details please go to the official website. ( http://delhi.gov.in/)

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See also  DSSSB Mock Test [ Hindi] - SET -2

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