RRB NTPC Non Technical Reasoning Mock Test-01

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Railway Non-Technical Reasoning Mock Test-01

(RRB NTPC) vacancy को ध्यन मे रखते हुई आज हमारी Team-www.allgovtjobsindia.in आप के रेलवे के Exam Pattern को धयान मे रखते हुई आप के एग्जाम की अच्छी सफलता के लिए – RRB NTPC Important Mock Test ले आये है जो कि आप की परीक्षा को पास करने मे बहुत ही लाभदायक सिद्ध होगी आशा है आप लोगो को हमारा ये Railway Mock Test – जरुर पसंद आये गया-

Vacancy Details : रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड(RRB NTPC) : प्रिय विद्यार्थियों, आप लोगो को पता ही होगा की आरआरबी एनटीपीसी (RRB NTPC) द्वारा कुल 1 लाख 30 हजार  भर्ती का आवदेन निकला गया है, जिसकी भर्ती प्रक्रिया (1 मार्च, 2019) से विभिन पदों के लिए आवदेन लिये जाएगे-  जिसमे नॉन टेक्निकल पॉपुलर कैटेगरी (एनटीपीसी) के लिए 30 हजार पद रखे गये है  वही (एनटीपीसी):पैरामेडिकल स्टाफ, मंत्रालय और आइसोलेटिड कैटेगरी होगी –

नॉन टेक्नीकल श्रेणी: पदों के लिए इन कैटेगरी को रखा गया है- जिसमे 1 लाख पद के लिए vacancy भरे जायेगे  –टिकट जूनियर क्लर्क सह टाइपिंस्ट, ट्रेन्स क्लर्क, अकाउंट्स क्लर्क सह टाइपिस्टगुड्स गार्ड, सीनियर कमर्शियल सह टिकट क्लर्क, ट्रैफिक असिस्टेंटसीनियर क्लर्क सह टाइपिस्ट, कमर्शियल अप्रेंटिस, टीटीई, असिस्टेंट स्टेशन मास्टर आदि के कैटेगरी की भर्ती की जाएगी –

Topic: Railway Mock Test Ticket Collector (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC),

Subject: Reasoning

Questions: 10 Objective Type Question
Time Allowed: 06 Minutes
Helpful for: Non-Technical –Junior Clerk Cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Senior Clerk cum typist, Account Clerk Cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Senior Commercial,  Junior Accountant Cum Typist, Commercial Apprentice, Station Master, Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk. Para Medical: Staff Nurse, Health & Malaria Inspector, Pharmacist, ECG Tech, Lab Assistant, Lab Supt. Ministerial and Isolated: Assistant Pointsman, Steno, Grade IV, Helper/Assistant, Chief Law Assistant, Junior Translator(Hindi), Track Maintainer. Level 1 RRC – Track Maintainer, Grade IV, Helper/Assistant, Assistant Pointsman,  Level-1 Posts

See also  Reasoning Quiz -Seating Arrangement SBI PO : Quiz-2

Railway Non Technical Reasoning Mock Test – 01

Q1)Find the wrong number in the given series :

216, 163, 120, 72, 24

  1. 216
  2. 163
  3. 72
  4. 24

Q2) If in a certain code language ‘ KINDLE’ is written as ELDNIK, then how will ‘ EXOTIC ‘ be written in the that code language?


Directions 03 – 06: Mr. and Mrs. Sharma have two children Asha and Shashi. Shashi married Radha, daughter of Mrs. Mahajan. Suresh, son of Mrs. Mahajan marries Rita, Sonu and Rocky are born to Suresh and Rita. Uma and Sudha are the daughters of Shashi and Radha.

3)The surname of Sonu is

  1. Mahajan
  2. Sharma
  3. Shashi
  4. None of these

4)How Sudha is related to Suresh ?

  1. Brother
  2. Uncle
  3. Maternal Uncle
  4. Nephew

5)How Sudha is related to Asha ?

  1. Sister
  2. Niece
  3. Aunt
  4. Daughter

6)How Sonu is related to Mr. Mahajan ?

  1. Sister-in-law
  2. Grandson
  3. Son
  4. None of the these

7)The positions of how many letters in the word BRAKES remains unchanged when they are arranged in alphabetical order ?

  1. One
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. None of these

8) Two boys Anil and shyam walks in opposite directions for three kilometers. Anil is walking towards East. After 3 km each,both turn right and again walk 3 km each. Both calculate and turn to face each other.In which directions is Shyam looking ?

  1. South
  2. South East
  3. East
  4. North West

9) In question number 08 which directions is Anil looking?

  1. North
  2. North West
  3. West
  4. South East

10) Pick the right statement after going through question number 08 :

  1. Shyam is farther from the starting point than Anil
  2. Anil is farther from the starting point than Shyam
  3. Both are equi – distant from the starting point.
  4. None of these.
See also  SSC CGL TIER -I General Intelligence & Reasoning - Mock Test -02



नोट: कृप्या जादा से जादा Mock Test देने का प्रयास करें – अगर पसंद आये तो आपने मित्रो को जरुर बाताये या शेयर करे “धन्यवाद !!

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