Important General Awareness Questions for SSC CGL Quiz 5

Daily GK Current Affairs Quiz for helping you crack the general awareness section of competitive exams. Also, attempt the previous SSC CGL  Quiz – 04 

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1. Which of the following monument is the oldest?


2. Which of the following ruler was a contemporary of Buddha?


3. Which of the following is a tapeworm?


4. Who is the author of the book “ The Three Mistake In My Life”?


5. Panchayati Raj System was implemented first in the pair of states


6. The first law of thermodynamics is simply the case of


7. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated by Mohd.Ghori in the battle of


8. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of :


9. Who is the highest Law officer of the State?


10. Member of Union Public Service Commission are appointed by the

See also  General Awareness Quiz for IBPS-SO and other Exam Quiz-2

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