Banking Awareness Quiz for IBPS, SBI – Bank Po Clerk Exams : Quiz – 1


Day -1
No of Questions : 10

Time (in Minutes) : 6

Total Marks : 10

Q1.When the growth of GDP in a country slow down suddenly, people start losing their jobs and the situation continuous for several weeks, what name is given to this state of economy ( A big country was in this state recently ) ?

A)  Inflation

B) Economic boom

C) Recession

D) None of these

Ans: C

Q2. The note-issue system in India is based on

A) Simple Deposit System

B) Gold Deposit System

C) Proportional Reserve System

D) Minimum Reserve System

E) None of the above

Ans: D

Q3. ‘Smart Money’ is a term used for

A) Internet banking

B) Bank rate

C) FDRs in bank

D) Demand draft of banks

E) Credit cards

Ans:  E

Q4. Which of the following organization provides guarantee to the exporters?

A) Exim Bank

B) Director General Foreign Trade

C) Reserve Bank of India

D) Registrar of Companies

E) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation

Ans: E

Q5.GNP stands for

A) Group Net Product

B) Group Networking Process

C) Gross National Product

D) Grand Nuclear Process

E) None of the above

Ans: C

Q6. Which sector of India Economy contributes largest to the gross national product?

A)  Primary sector

B) Public sector

C) Secondary sector

D) Tertiary sector

E) None of these

Ans: D

Q7.What are the co-operative banks at the village level known as?

A) Village co-operative banks

B) Central co-operative banks

C) State co-operative banks

D) Primary agricultural co-operative societies

E) None of the above

Ans: D

Q8.The State Banks Of India was constituted on

A) 1st July, 1955

B) 1st September, 1956

C) 1st January, 1949

D) 1st April, 1935

E) None of these

Ans: A

Q9. A ‘Debit Card is issued by a bank to

A) all customers having loan account with a bank

B) a bank customer who is income tax assesee

C) all corporate Salary account holder

D) all customers having Saving bank account with a bank

E) all customers of a bank

Ans: D

Q10. which of the following is not a scheduled Commercial Bank ?

A) Axis Bank

B) HDFC Bank

C) IDBI Bank


E) Kodak Mahindra Bank

Ans: D

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